Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Synthesis and Philosophy

Synthesis statement:

Technology is not done for technology’s sake or to automate an existing process. Technology is meant to create experiences in learning that could not exist previously. It is meant to engage, teach, and connect learners in ways never possible before.

Shortened version of education technology philosophy including updates and excluding history:

A great teacher develops relationships and motivates students to have intrinsic motivation to work hard, do well and learn. They get the students to take responsibility for their learning. Teachers should serve more as a guide to learning. I want the students to gain the knowledge that they can learn anything, even if they do not know anything about it going in or it is difficult to learn initially. They have access to resources to teach themselves. They need to learn their future is in their hands. I want students to feel empowered and that they are valued and important.

I try to make lessons relevant. I try to use time available for students to create, not just listen. I want students to make the learning relate to what they are doing or need. I also teach concepts. Software changes daily almost, they cannot learn one and be done. They have to understand key concepts and functions and have the ability to adapt. I try to expose students to as many software programs and hardware devices as possible. This helps build confidence in learning new things in a safe place. I teach others how to find and use resources to take ownership of their own learning. A new initiative I want to start is a program where students are tech support for teachers – both on repairs and instruction using technology. This will empower students while at the same time helping our teaching and IT staff.

My goal will be to provide teachers all of the technological tools they need to be successful in their classes. These tools could be in the form of websites, software programs, acquisition of hardware equipment, staff development and training, and the effective integration of these technologies into their curriculum. As Mr. November says, “This is not about technology. It’s about understanding the impact of technology on how students learn.” The technology schools acquire should be driven by needs in instruction. Heidi-Hayes Jacobs, an educational consultant, says, “Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event.”

I have the knowledge to educate students and teachers in technology in a variety of ways and to help staff integrate technology into all subjects, grade levels and curriculums. Technology is the future of education. As John Dewey said, “If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.”

 “There can be infinite uses of the computer and of new age technology, but if the teachers themselves are not able to bring it into the classroom and make it work, then it fails,” Nancy Kassebaum, U.S. Senator said. We have several great technologies currently, but many have not been used to their full potential.

I constantly am striving to learn more and truly am a lifelong learner. I am self-taught in many software programs. Anything I do not currently know I will find a way to learn either on my own or through professional development. I will also continue to grow our school's reputation as a cutting-edge technology school by presenting at conferences locally, state-wide and across the nation. I will participate in professional development opportunities to keep current with emerging technologies to develop and maintain expertise.

In conclusions, I believe that it is the role of technology in education is to provide as many opportunities for success to all students in whatever ways are needed. I believe technology is going to only continue to grow as a way to engage students and encourage them to take over responsibility for their learning.

Reflection 5

My Aha's for the semester :

I have a background in educational technology and digital learning, so it was great to have some time and direction to develop what I knew.

Week 1 was helpful to really organize my philosophy on educational technology, in an innovative way. Week 2 was great because I finally started using diigo. I had seen it before and was impressed, but did not start using it. Now I don't know how I lived without it; it is a great tool! I had never used a wiki before so it was nice to see how easy and helpful they are. I actually organized a camping trip with my friend with one.

Probably the most helpful part of the course was to develop my portfolio some. It is something I have wanted to do for a long time and it was helpful to see the importance of it professionally for me, but also as a learning tool for students. Our summer school program implemented it as a pilot program and I plan to help one campus with them next year.

One thing I definitely walked away with is to just take a little time to learn the tools. I have heard of a lot of things that are interesting that I never get started with. Most tools can be picked up very quickly if I just take a brief bit of time to work with it.