Thursday, June 14, 2012

Reflection 2

I had never heard of MAPping until recently. I was at a conference led by Alan November and he had an excellent example of a scientic study that had been done. There were two very credible sources that had very differing information. He showed MAPping to see how we could find which was the credible source. When researching I will definitely make sure to map my work and also not just believe everything I read. My confidence in past cited sites is definitely not as strong after learning these methods.

Mr. November mentioned in the Week 1 article that there is a temptation for students to stop thinking if we do not teach these MAPping skills. If we are teaching internet usage, it is our responsbility to teach them these skills. Without teaching our kids these skills, we are sending out a generation unprepared to think for themselves that will believe anything they read. This is obviously very dangerous and the ramifications will extend far into the future.

I think diigo is really neat for social bookmarking. I think it will be helpful the more articles I read online so I will have a way to find it when I need it. This best thing about this will be I will always have access, no matter which device I am on. I also see ways this can be shared with others in personal relationship, colleagues at work, or students in class.

I'm hoping that I can create the resource that I have always wanted for me to have in my wiki. Since moving outside the DFW metroplex, finding locations to train at and groups to train with has been very difficult. I am getting the wiki setup like I want, then I will invite my friends to join and edit it as well.

I think the wiki will be fun for what I am working on. It will be great for a simple way to communicate without lots of emails or texts. The only thing I am a bit nervous about is since it is public, will I have others I do not know editing it maliciously? I do not want to have to moderate it. Of course, for a small fee, I can control those that I want to edit and see it and that would solve my problem.

I want to look at for timeline creation. I am also looking into more virtual fieldtrips next year and will look to those as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoyed the conference! Alan came here a few years ago. Loved his workshop.
